about me
About my Astrological practice first.
About my journey with Graphic Design at the bottom of the page

xocean alexandre (formerly known as xander) is a queer, non-binary-trans, fat, femme, artist and astrologer. Ze grew-up in a valley full of fireflies under a tangibly visible Milky Way Galaxy. A keen observer of sunrises & moonsets, moonrises & sunsets, ze has always been drawn to observe the Cosmos.
A triple water sign, Indigo Moon-witch, xocean feels deeply, and translates those feelings, visions & sensations into astrological readings, performances, workshops, and guided meditations.
xocean is an intuitive astrologer who blends modern and traditional Hellenistic techniques from a Tropical zodiac lens, using whole sign house system. Ze has studied under Chani Nicholas, Demetra George, and Rhea Wolf to name a few, and is a graduate of the Portland School of Astrology’s 2018 year-long ‘astro-empowerment’ program.
Ze lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains on unceded Cherokee land.
You can follow them on instagram and facebook @IndigoMoonArtist. You can book an astrological reading, buy custom artwork, and sign-up for workshops on their website: www.IndigoMoonArtist.com . You can become a patron of their work by making a monthly sustainable donation through patreon: https://www.patreon.com/xanderdumas
in gratitude,
xocean alexandre
*my astrology readings focus on self growth, shadow work, ancestral healing from a queer, non-binary, somatic lens. I often offer suggestions around movement, altar tending, following the Moon phases, journaling, stone energy work and beyond. At this time all of my readings are 1 on 1, (I do not offer partnership/synastry readings.) In my FAQ you can learn more about my readings types, as well as see a long list of other astrologers I recommend. In the FAQ i also suggest podcasts, books and astrological teachers.
in depth info about my studies, my fees, and my ethics.
hello, thank you for inquiring about my offerings!
I love engaging with folks about growth, healing, passions, strengths through the lens of their birthcharts! I have been surrounded by metaphysical arts and sciences my whole life. I have had astrological conversations with people since age little, but astrology really started to speak to me directly in my 30s. In 2012 I started to read the astrology books that were collecting dust on my shelves, and by 2015 I engaged with astrology everyday. By the end of 2015 I enrolled in my first astrology class: ‘Living Your Life’s Purpose’ with Chani Nicholas, which was a 3 week introduction to my natal chart. 2016 I began an artistic astrological study called ‘The Queer Zodiac Project’ applying my notes from Chani’s class to embodied and visual interpretations.
In 2017 I started astrology school at the ‘Portland School of Astrology’ (PSA) in Portland Oregon, and 10 months later I graduated with a 150 hour certification in the basics of natal chart reading. In June 2018 I gave my first professional astrological reading, and I have been a practicing professional astrologer ever since!
Today, July 1, 2021 I am beyond grateful to say I have been a professional astrologer for over 3 years! Within these 3 years I have read over a thousand charts. I have done this work in so many different forms: I have done per-minute-readings at art festivals, parties, and in metaphysical shops in both Asheville, NC and Portland, Or. I worked briefly as a per-min-reader for a well-known online app, and left when I realized typed readings are not my forte. The readings I love to do the most are the hour-plus-long readings in which I get to be in dialogue with my clients. My love of astrological study becomes alive and tangible when I get to hear how people are living through transits in real time. It’s in these readings, I grow as an astrologer, practitioner, and facilitator.
I also love to facilitate workshops! I have had the honor and pleasure to facilitate hour long workshops, weekend-long workshops, week-long retreats, and months-long astrological workshop series. Within these workshops I love to focus on growth, healing, patterns through transits, and somatic embodiment of the cosmic energy. Recently I concluded a 13 week long workshop series called, ‘Pulling Out the Splinters’ which met every Saturday from March13 through June 5 2021! I look forward to facilitating more workshop series like these! (please let me know if you are interested)
I also love making astrological artwork both visually and poetically. I have published a couple of my poems in my 2020 and 2021 transit zines, (stay tuned for even more in my 2022 transit zine!) As well as some visual poem videos on patreon: www.patreon.com/indigomoonartist
I have also created many custom astrological illustrations based on folks’ natal charts, aspects, and Sabian Symbols. I would love to create a custom illustration or poem for you! You can find those offerings on my website.
In addition to offering readings and facilitating workshops, and astrological artwork, I continue my study of astrology through reading lots of astrology books, listening to podcasts and attending conferences and workshops. Since graduating astrology school in 2018, I have attended PSA’s annual conference, Astrology University annual summits, Radiant Astrology annual summits, NORWAC 2021, Demetra George’s Hellensitic 5-day Intensive in 2019 and 2020 as well as workshops in so many different fields including zodiacal releasing, horary, financial astrology, and beyond! Astrology is a life-long passion and study, and I am committed to learning so I can bring these insights to my clients.
I have dedicated thousands of hours and thousands of dollars into my ongoing study and practice of astrology. I have based my wages within my dedicated practice of astrology, within my morals and ethics of being anti-capitalistic. My fees have changed over the last three years, starting off as barter and sliding scale, then moving to $1-$1.50 a minute, to now charging $2.25 a minute plus 5.25% tax. These rates only reflect the time I am in consultation with you, and are based on the behind-the-scenes time of preparing for your reading. I am being transparent about this, as there are no standardized fees for artists, energy workers and entrepreneurs, and I/we are often asked to work for free. When i/we create our fees, they build in our time, expertise, materials as well as fees that entrepreneurs pay out of pocket to run their/my business (cost of internet, website, advertising, computer, office etc…these payments add up).
I do offer discounted rates to LGBTQIA2S folx as well as BIPoC. I do this because queer folx, specifically non-binary and trans folx and BIPoC are marginalized within cis-heterosexual, white suprematist, patriarchy, and often are undervalued and underpaid. I offer partial-to-full barter when I am able. I am open to bartering for body work such as massage, acupuncture, hair-dyeing, movement, tattoos, reiki, as well as gluten-free soy-free vegetarian food, car repair, and artwork! Please email me : indigoMoonArtist@gmail.com subject line : Barter for Astrology Reading.
I offer free readings throughout the year. In 2019 I offered free readings to many non-binary and trans folx, as well as a fundraiser for TranzMission: https://tranzmission.org . In 2020 I offered 13 free readings to front-line workers, and thus far in 2021 I have offered readings for fundraisers for Trans Asylum Support Network : https://givebutter.com/TASSNxSupport# , and offered readings for fundraisers raising money for Beloved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com The Okra Project: https://www.theokraproject.com and Soul Fire Farm: https://www.soulfirefarm.org . If you have a fundraiser that uplifts LGBTQIA2S and/or BIPoC that you would like me to donate a reading to a raffle, please email me: IndigoMoonArtist@gmail.com subject line ‘Astrology Reading Fundraiser’.
I am now offering a ‘pay it forward’ option on my website which allows folks with salaried-steady-income to make a donation towards me being able to offer more free readings while also being able to pay me for my time. When I reach $100 I will offer a free reading to someone who would like one, but is unable to afford one. Thank you in advance to all who donate!
Another way you can support my work is by becoming a patron through Patreon. Your monthly donation helps support my work. I post regularly…this sometimes means weekly, this sometimes means once a month. As of right now I have around 100 posts, most of which are accessible at the $3 value. Patreon is a great resource to pay for art supplies, an astrology workshop, and a day off. I am so grateful for my subscribers, and I offer discounts on my readings, a year-end gift, and lots of early-bird, or behind-the-scenes content. www.patreon.com/indigomoonartist
My current offerings available through my website are natal chart readings, transit readings, solar returns readings, custom artwork, both astrological and not. I have a 2021 transit zine available, and soon I hope to offer more workshops. You can see some past artwork, book a reading, or buy a gift certificate on my website here: www.indigomoonartist.com
You can follow me on both Instagram and Facebook @indigomoonartist, I am most active through Instagram.
thank you for joining me on this journey. In gratitude, xocean alexandre -IndigoMoonArtist
Graphic Design/ Visual Design
My journey with Graphic Design began in 2010 when I was first introduced to Adobe Photoshop. I am a self taught graphic designer who like to blend photos with illustrations and typography. My work is unique and organic and often focuses around vintage aesthetics, nature, or deep colors. My first deep dive into formatting came in 2012 when I was asked to create a series of show posters, and then from there I began a freelance graphic designer creating logos, business cars, posters, postcards, zines and infographics. I love working with Photoshop, and I love learning new tools.
In July of 2022 I was introduced to the Google UX Design Certification program, and through the next many months I go to learn about Figma and Adobe XD. Through this program I learned how to wireframe and create digital mockups and prototypes. As someone who loves typography and visual layout, I was most excited about the mockup phase. As I continue into the world of UX and UI Design, I am hoping to become a Graphic Designer to make logos and graphics to incorporate into these projects.
I believe Black Lives Matter. I am doing the work to dismantle systemic racism. Sometimes this work looks like self-education. Sometimes this looks like listening, attending workshops. Sometimes this work looks like acknowledging that many of my white ancestors enslaved people, participated in overt or silent acts of racism. Some of my work is ancestral healing. being a channel for these entities/ghosts to transition and therefore stop feeding the cycle of racism.
Sometimes this work looks like donating money, and time, and energy to causes i believe in. Sometimes this work looks like having hard conversations with other white people. Sometime this work looks like grieving and integration of these truths.
Sometimes this work looks like walking the land, making offering to the trees and ocean, thanking them for being safe places, and apologizing to them for baring witness to generations of acts of violence.
there is no right or wrong way to grow…but we must grow to heal.