Frequently asked questions.

Q- How long have you been studying astrology?
A- I’ve been engaged in the awe of the sky since childhood. As a kid, I had a photograph of the moon taken with a telescopic lens, and I remember staring at that photo in awe that something so mesmerizing could be photographed. I also was raised by an energy healing mom, and going to a metaphysical camp in which there were always astrological conversations happening.
This awe grew into thumbing through astrology books and watching astrology vlogs. In 2015 I signed up for my first astrology class with Chani Nicholas, a 3 week course called, ‘Living Your Life’s Purpose’. In 2017 I went to Astrology school at the Portland School of Astrology where i had learned how to synthesize, focus, condense and expand all at once!
I have been a practicing professional astrologer since graduating PSA in May 2018
Q- What is your style?
A- I use the Tropical zodiac using traditional Hellenistic and modern techniques. I blend intuition, colors, visions, Sabian symbols and storytelling in my readings. I focus on the phase and sign of the moon, the outer planets: Neptune, Uranus & Pluto as well as Black Moon Lilith and the lunar nodes in my readings. I am very Spiritual/ ‘woo’ in my readings. I like to talk about spirit guides and offerings, and communing with nature and healing ancestral trauma. I believe our soul/spirit has lived many lifetimes, and we get glimpses of what wounds need to heal through our shadow expressions…and we find the ways to heal and expand through our passions. One of my deepest passions is to help my clients utilize their innate gifts to live their fullest life….and as I do that, my disseminating Cancer moon shines!
You can learn more about me through my Instagram @indigomoonartist
and you can become a patron of my work through Patron: www.patreon.com/indigomoonartist
Q- I notice you have a discounted price for queer folx, non-binary folx, and BIPOC, can you tell me why?
A- Folx who ‘check these boxes’ live within a system that overwhelmingly does not support them/us. Because of this, many folx who are queer, non-binary, BIPOC are under-employed, and work in the cycle of survival, and not thriving. I am trying to make myself as accessible, while also shifting out of the shadow of hustle to survive.
Q- I am underemployed, are you open to barter?
A- Yes! Many of my readings every month are through an energy exchange of barter. I am open to bartering for massages, classes/workshops, homemade gluten-free, vegetarian foods! tinctures, promotional work, custom artwork, car-repair, tattoos. Please DM for more info.
Q - Can you tell me about your cost breakdown?
A- Yes! This is energetic work, and I spend a good amount of time preparing for readings. The work I do is custom and focused. I spend 2-4 hours preparing a chart, this is illustrating it, writing notes, channeling, and studying your natal chart. 2 hours are devoted to your reading...the time leading up to it, the reading itself, and the grounding time afterward. I also devote time to going to the post office, responding to emails etc. ...so at the end of 1 reading, I have put in a minimum of 4.5 hours, and sometimes up to 7 or 8. I try and keep my costs as anti-capitalistic as possible, while also paying myself for my time, materials, and on-going education.
Q- I want to learn astrology, what resources do you recommend?
A- books: anything by Demetra George. for beginners: ‘Astrology for Yourself workbook’, for intermediary, ‘Finding our Way Through the Dark’, ‘Asteroid Goddesses’, ‘Mysteries of the Dark Moon’, for advanced students- ‘Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Volume I: Assessing Planetary Condition’
Chani Nicholas: ‘You were Born for This’, Jessica Lanydoo: ‘ Astrology for Real Relationships’, Rhea Wolf: ‘The Light that Changes’, Caroline Casey: ‘Making the Gods Work for You’* audio is also fantastic!
podcasts ‘Ghost of a Podcast’, ‘The Magic of the Spheres’, ‘The Cosmic Lifestyle Podcast’, ‘Astrology University’, ‘Queer Skies’, ‘Beautiful Astrology Podcast’, ‘Holes to Heavens’, ‘The Stology Show’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHF0j47iKL0
teachers & consultations
Zyon: https://www.3rdeyezy.com River: www.instagram.com/riverofstarsastrology/ Sylvi: https://sylvioslandastrology.com/ Miz Charteuse: linktr.ee/mizchartreuse Virginia Rosenburg: https://linktr.ee/virginiarosenberg Chani Nicholas: https://chaninicholas.com
Giselle Castaño: https://www.gisellecastano.com Caroline Casey: coyotenetworknews.com Portland School of Astrology: https://portlandastrology.org Demetra George: https://demetra-george.com
Pallas K Augustine: https://www.nineofwands.com
Naike: https://www.instagram.com/chagga_star/
Corina Dross: https://www.instagram.com/corinadross/ Dru: https://www.instagram.com/dru.ish/
locational astrology:
Charm Torres: https://www.charmastrology.com
Alyssia Osorio : https://www.praxisastrology.com/about