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“Pulling out the Splinters” Workshop Series

Indigo Moon Artist presents ‘Pulling out the Splinters’:  Workshop Series 

Astrologically Informed 13 week workshop with crystals, yoga, dance, writing, art, emotion code, oracle insight, akashic records, astronomy, connection to nature and more! The vision of this weekly workshop is an astrologically-inspired reconnection to self, truth, passion, depth, feeling, earth, the cosmos, breath and beyond.

This workshop series is open to queer folx, non-binary and trans folx, and femmes of all genders. The workshop is sliding scale, with more information about that below. 

This one of a kind workshop series will meet through Zoom once a week on Saturdays from 6-8pm eastern. Beginning March 13 through June 5, 2021.

Each week we will meet in our intimate container of folks and I will talk about upcoming astrological transits, and how to honor different parts of your physical, mental and emotional body. There will be daily homework that will build upon itself through the week. Some such homework will be connecting with nature, journaling, honoring a specific body area, intentionally cooking, and beyond. 

The name, “Pulling out the Splinters’ came to me in March of 2020, right as the Pandemic began. I knew i wanted to create an alchemical ‘Mystery School’ of sorts, but the timing wasn’t right. The name and idea kept coming to me, and each New Moon since, I have spent time journaling more details of this project. The name came from a journal entry I made in 2015 in which I described the dislodging debris before  it became stuck and scarred. 

Throughout 2020, I have witnessed in myself, my loved ones and the collective, emotions getting stuck. We each have been sign through a traumatic experience, and this workshop series is an opportunity to move through some stagnant energy- pulling out the splinters before they get stuck. We will do this through yoga, astrology, emotion code and beyond! 

Each week we will meet in our zoom container to discuss what we experienced, connect and ask questions. This is a great way for you to learn about, and more deeply embody your natal chart!

7 of the 13 weeks we will have guest facilitators who will share their wisdoms with us. Each one of the people who is presenting, is someone I have had an honor to work with in their field. Each one of the guest workshops were set with the intention of us connecting deeper to our individual healing, and collective healing. The list of facilitator’s bios, and the weeks they will be teaching is below. 

In addition to the weekly Zoom calls, each participant will also receive an hour-long natal chart reading and hand drawn birth chart by me. This one-on-one session is a great time to ask me personal questions about your chart. It will also provide more insight on why some transits may impact you more than other transits. 

I look forward to being on this journey with you. I look forward to doing my personal work to tend to my wounds. And I look froward to witnessing you do your personal work which ripples into community care. 

In gratitude,

xander :Indigo Moon Artist 

March 13:

 opening circle, introductions, discussing boundaries and intentions and 

layout of workshops series

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits


Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist 

March 20: 

Spring Equinox! 

 Group check-in.  

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits

Movement, generative, Spring!


Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist 

March 27: 

Sun, Chiron, Venus conjunction

Group check-in.

exploration of the Akashic Records with guest facilitator  Dee: Creative Akashic 

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander 

closing with xander

April 3: 

Uranus Saturn Square

Group check-in

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits


Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist 

April 10

Balsamic/dark Aries moon conjunct Chiron and Mercury

Group check-in

exploration of movement, creative writing and beyond 

with guest facilitators Nia and Ness!

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

April 17:

Sun, Mercury square Pluto

 Group check-in

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits


Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist

April 24

Waxing Gibbous Libra Moon square Mars

Group check-in

Yoga, balance, connection with guest facilitator: Avery 

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

May 1

Venus Conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Mercury

Group check-in

discussion on crystals, gridding, land tending with elliot

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

May 8

Balsamic/dark Moon

Group check-in

Emotion Code with Natalie of Tending Your Spirit

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

May 15

Venus conjunct North Node

Group check-in

Oracle Reading and discussion by Verone of Verone Oracle 

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

May 22

Kite formation: grand air trine 

Group check-in

Astronomical presentation on Sidereal Astrology by River of River of Stars Astrology 

daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits by xander

closing with xander

May 29

Moon conjunct Pluto both oppose Mars

Group check-in

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits


Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist

June 5

Black Moon Lilith square Pluto

Group check-in

Discussion on, and daily ritual homework associated with weekly Astrological transits

 Final circle closing

Facilitated by xander of Indigo Moon Artist


It is encouraged that you attend as many live classes as possible. This will create an energetic container that will build trust and relationships. 

If you need to miss a class or two, that is ok. Classes will be recorded and videos will be  available to our private group dropbox.

Sliding Scale: $333-$999

*it is encouraged to tip each of the guest presenters a few dollars if you are able

26 hours of in-person class

in a unique, array of workshops you won’t find anywhere else

by talented, heart-centered professionals in their field 

1-on-1 natal chart reading with me

hand drawn natal chart with hand written notes of upcoming transits 

over $3,000 value!

*it is encouraged to tip each of the guest presenters a few dollars if you are able

10% of proceeds will be donated to The Okra Project: an American grassroots mutual aid collective that provides support to black trans, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people.

*it is encouraged to tip each of the guest presenters a few dollars if you are able 


this price point is for queer folx, non-binary folx, and BIPOC only.

This price pays for my time present in class

 as well as fees associated with website, venmo, zoom, dropbox 

4 slots available

Can be paid in 3 payments of $111

$111 non-refundable deposit when signing-up

$111 non refundable payment on March 12 (day before first class) 

$111 non-refundable payment due April 9 (day before 5th class) 


this price point is for underemployed folks.

This price pays for my time present in class

 as well as fees associated with website, venmo, zoom, dropbox 

4 slots available

Can be paid in 3 payments of $185

$185 non-refundable deposit when signing-up

$185 non refundable payment on March 12 (day before first class) 

$185 non-refundable payment due April 9 (day before 5th class) 


This price pays for my time present in class

my time preparing for class, and doing administration work. 

This price pays for the time and energy for each of the incredible presenters. 

 as well as fees associated with website, venmo, zoom, dropbox 

4 slots available

Can be paid in 3 payments of $259

$259 non-refundable deposit when signing-up

$259 non refundable payment on March 12 (day before first class) 

$259 non-refundable payment due April 9 (day before 5th class) 


This price pays for my time present in class

my time preparing for class, and doing administration work. 

This price pays for the time and energy for each of the incredible presenters. 

This pays fees associated with website, venmo, zoom, dropbox 

This cost also allows me to offer sliding scale rates. 

This cost allows no-tuition cost to each of the 8 presenters  of this workshop series 

(free tuition in addition to paying them for their time) 

4 slots available

Can be paid in 3 payments of $333

$333 non-refundable deposit when signing-up

$333 non refundable payment on March 12 (day before first class) 

$333 non-refundable payment due April 9 (day before 5th class) 

(if you are curious about cost break down. I am paying myself $20 an hour.

26 hours of class x $20 = $520

minimum of 3 hours preparation per class: 39 hours x $20=$780

$200 to each presenter x 8= $1,600

systematic fees = too much 

plus the many many hours spent preparing for this class, energetically and logistically= priceless)

July 10

Event Three